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Tuna Shredded Ibu Nunu


Rising from the slump of the 2018 Tsunami, Ibu Nunu started tuna shredded business in Donggala

Mrs. Nur Ainun (Ibu Nunu) who lives in Tanjung Padang Village, Donggala, has started a tuna shredded processing business since 2020. YCP and Karsa Institute with the program for Restoring the Livelihoods of People affected by the disaster have conducted training activities for processing marine fishery products for residents of Tanjung Padang Village or projects Mofalux.

Before the earthquake and tsunami disaster occurred on September 28, 2018, Mrs. Nunu was selling yellow rice in the elementary school canteen every day. The disaster has made her business slump because the equipment has been damaged and lost, as well as the capital that has been exhausted to survive.

Ibu Nunu would like to thank YCP and Karsa for helping them recover their lives after being hit by the disaster 3 years ago. According to Ms. Nunu, a number of women’s small businesses in Tanjung Padang Village have been assisted and are currently recovering from adversity and are able to develop.

SnackVideo, YCP and Ministry of Communication and Information Launch a Collaboration Initiative to Face the Covid-19 Pandemic by Distributing 7600 #Carepack


Commemorating the 76th Indonesian Independence Day in August 2021, a short video application, SnackVideo collaborates with YCP, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemkominfo) through the #BersamaHinggaUsai program in an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19 by donating 7,600 The #Carepack package contains a medical mask, hand sanitizer, and Vitamin C & D.

In line with YCP’s mission which places women as one of the main beneficiaries, most of the #CAREPACK package assistance will be channeled to groups of women who are vulnerable to Covid-19, considering that they are burdened with dual roles during the pandemic, namely apart from working, they have main responsibilities. in domestic work, as well as in child care and education. Moreover, women are often required to always be in good condition and tough in carrying this burden, so it is very important that this package is distributed to protect them.

Mejene Mamuju – Health training and CVA to respond the earthquake disaster


During the earthquake disaster recovery in Mamuju and Majene Regencies, in July, YCP conducted health training with materials on clean and healthy living, personal hygiene, and COVID-19, as well as temporary residential training in Takandeang Village, Mekkatta, South Mekkatta, and Kayuangin. In addition, YCP also distributed Cash Voucher Assistance (CVA) for 262 heavily damaged houses and 376 moderately damaged houses with a total value of Rp 2,738,696,000. In August, YCP has started drilling wells and drinking water depots in Kayuangin Village, as well as completing temporary shelter work in Takandeang, South Mekkatta and Kayuangin Villages.

COVID-19 - Bantuan Tenda Tekanan Negatif di Kabupaten Serang

COVID-19 – Negative Pressure Tents in Serang District


YCP distributed negative pressure tents for maternity mothers, and pregnancy checkups those who were positive for Covid-19 in Serang Regency complete with equipment such as ob-gyn beds, patient beds, infusion poles, air coolers and air purifiers. YCP also distributed medical equipment for health workers such as level-3 PPE, medical masks, as well as assistance for residents who did self-isolation in the form of nutritional packages (vitamins C and D, protein, baby milk, and green beans), as many as 300 packages.

Let’s continue to take part in the fight against COVID 19 by following health protocols.





To celebrate the World Environment Day, YCP and Greeneration Foundation held a joint IG Live on June 9, 2021. The IG Live discussed the relationship between human behaviour that contributes to climate change, the forms of disasters that occur due to the impacts of climate change, as well as the necessary steps to take to prevent disasters from escalating at the current alarming rate.
One of the messages we can take is that natural disasters are closely related to climate change, and the behaviours we take in our daily lives can have a huge impact on the environment around us. One strategy that is considered to be able to reduce disaster risk is climate change mitigation, namely the environmentally friendly steps that we can take individually to prevent further environmental damage.




On May 22nd, 2021, Kak Nana, the Gender Specialist from YCP participated as a speaker at the IMUNE (International Model United Nation Experience) Pre-event held by AIESEC Universitas Brawijaya. This event aims to invite young people to fight social boundaries in achieving their dreams.
During the event, Kak Nana explained about the challenges we still have to face in order to fight gender inequality. Kak Nana explained that we should not be mistaken in understanding the meaning of gender equality. Gender equality does not mean to ignore men’s rights, but voices to fight for women is needed because women’s rights are commonly invisible and not fulfilled.
We need an equal participation from men to work together to achieve gender equality by changing social norms.




Last June, the PROSPER team held nutrition training for parents, communities and canteen managers at schools in Bone and Serang districts. This activity aims to provide understanding & knowledge about nutrition and how it influence the growth and development of elementary school children, and to have the ability to choose and prepare healthy food for children. As adults who are around children both at home and at school, parents, communities and canteen managers plays an important role in ensuring the availability of nutritious food in the home and school environment.
In addition, the PROSPER team is also pushing the development of school toilet facilities in 4 public elementary schools in Serang Regency, with full compliance with health protocols. The locations for school toilet facilities constructions in Serang Regency are in Kibin, Cikande, Jawilan, and Bandung Districts. The construction of the school toilet facilities is targeted to be completed in July 2021.



On May 1st, 2021, YCP and local partners held an exhibition of the products created by 36 women and youth groups that we assisted. These groups spread across 4 villages in Sirenja and Kulawi. The products displayed varied from vegetables produced in the fields managed by the group, cakes and processed snacks that are traded by the group such as locally made coconut oil, rice, and handicrafts.
The first exhibition was opened by representatives of the Camat and was also attended by relevant agencies, such as the Donggala Regency Cooperatives and MSME Office, who really appreciated this exhibition and invited them to collaborate to make Cooperatives for these business groups to be fostered by the Regency Cooperatives and SMSE Office in Donggala.
As successful as the previous, the exhibition in Kulawi used the central market in Mataue Village. The exhibition was opened by the Head of the Kulawi Sub-district and was attended by community leaders from the two villages. The sub-district head really appreciates the assistance that has been disbursed by YCP and hope that the beneficiaries will run the businesses initiated as effective as possible, so that they get the maximum results to improve their livelihoods for their families, communities and villages.




Accompanied by the Kartini Manakarra Foundation, the YCP team, represented by T. Khairil Azmi, Nurhasdiana and Agus Triwahyuono visited the Governer to provide information regarding the early recovery activities of the Mamuju and Majene earthquake by carrying out activities in 2 sectors, namely AMPL (Water Supply and Sanitation) and Temporary Housing. This activity will be carried out in Mamuju District (Takandeang Village) and Majene District (Kayuangin Village, Mekkatta Village and South Mekkatta Village).
In the AMPL sector, YCP will build toilets specifically for women and people with disabilities, and also make drinking water filtering facilities. While in temporary housing, together with the village community, they will repair 689 houses into decent, safe and dignified temporary housing.
In addition, YCP also performed socialization activities with the villagers on the early earthquake recovery activities in Takandeang Village, Mamuju Regency. These activities involved village heads, village communities, youth organizations and also vulnerable groups such as women, the elderly and the disabled to speak up.




The impact of the earthquake and tsunami in September 2018 in Central Sulawesi had paralyzed economic activities in Lompio Village. The income of most of the people has also been lost, and women are no exception.
Ibu Arwati, the head of the Melati Group in Lompio village, Donggala district is one of the women who was given assistance by the YCP.
The Melati group, as a women’s business group with 15 members, is one of 36 groups receiving programs and assistance from YCP in Sigi and Donggala districts. Through various trainings and cash transfer schemes provided by YCP, the Melati Group has now succeeded in developing a diversification of its group’s business. There are at least 3 types of business groups currently being developed, the first is a business in the plantation sector through corn cultivation, the second is a daily retail business by opening a PERTAMINI business, and the third is a cooperative savings and loan business.
According to Mrs Arwati’s explanation, the three types of businesses have provided many benefits for her and all of its members. From the financial side, the profit has been able to help meet the daily needs of the household and the rest is stored in the group treasury for sustainable business development. As for the social aspect, the women of each group member now have productive and more useful activities than before.
The ADH program in Central Sulawesi focuses on increasing food security and nutrition, increasing and diversifying household income and creating employment and livelihood opportunities, especially for women and the most vulnerable groups in society.