Managing Editor of English Tempo Magazine, Purwani Diyah Prabandari (Mba Ndari) visited the location of the Livelihood Recovery program in Donggala Regency, Central Sulawesi, precisely in Tompe Village, Lompio Village, and Tanjung Padang Village in Sirenja District, and Tosale Village, Banawa District on 14-17 December 2021.
During this visit, Mba Ndari interviewed several members of the Usaha Bersama Community, Melati Community, and the Tani Sejati Community consisting of housewives, as well as Fishermen Community. During this visit, Mba Ndari conducted interviews with victims affected by the 2018 tsunami and earthquake who were also beneficiaries of the YCP program. From Emergency Response programs to Livelihood Restoration programs, the Central Sulawesi woman has recovered from adversity after receiving business capital assistance and entrepreneurship training from YCP.
The results of the interview can be read in full at