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Cooperation Agreement Strengthens

Cooperation Agreement Strengthens Efforts to Empower Coastal Women’s Groups


In 2024, reported that Indonesia’s coastal areas face the threat of ecosystem damage, one of which is the destruction of mangrove ecosystems. The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) of the Republic of Indonesia in 2021 stated that without adaptation and mitigation efforts, it could result in economic losses in the marine and coastal sectors amounting to up to IDR 81 billion. As a result, the empowerment of women’s groups and coastal communities has become a main focus of the CARE Peduli Foundation (YCP). YCP’s programs have been recognized and align with the Indonesian Government’s initiatives, as reflected in the cooperation agreement signed between YCP and the Directorate General of Marine and Spatial Management (Ditjen PKRL), Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia (KKP RI).

Dr. Abdul Wahib Sitomorang, CEO of the CARE Peduli Foundation, stated that YCP’s collaboration is an effort to support government programs aimed at strengthening and empowering women and coastal communities in marine and coastal resources. “This is evidence that what we are doing aligns with the programs and priorities of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, particularly in marine spatial management, water conservation, and blue economy,” he said on Friday, January 31.
Abdul explained that the cooperation agreement covers the scope of the agreed-upon programs, the expected outcomes, and the anticipated impacts. “We are very confident that this collaboration will serve as a kind of ‘vitamin’ for us, strengthening and expanding our reach, so that in the future, women’s leadership will be stronger and more resilient,” Abdul added.

He also mentioned that YCP is currently implementing a women’s empowerment program in Bintan Regency, Riau Islands Province, and plans to launch a similar program in Likupang, North Minahasa Regency. “We want the women’s groups in these two locations to be able to protect the mangrove ecosystems in their local environments. At the same time, they will also be facilitated to obtain economic benefits from the coastal resources they have. This is what we call a nexus approach, between climate change, women’s empowerment, and economic justice, to achieve several goals in one activity,” he concluded.

Empowering Women's Economic Groups

Empowering Women’s Economic Groups Through KUEP in Pesaku and Rarampadende Villages


The Women’s Economic Business Group (KUEP) Mombine Sintuvu Maroso in Pesaku Village and Mombine Singgani Mabelo in Rarampadende Village, Sigi Regency, were established to complement the four other KUEPs already in place in Pombewe, Ngata Baru, Ramba, and Wisolo Villages. The formation of these KUEPs, a collaboration between CARE Indonesia and the Karsa Institute with support from UN Women and funding from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), aims to develop women’s skills and strengthen existing businesses in the villages.

The establishment of KUEP Mombine Sintuvu Maroso and Mombine Singgani Mabelo will enhance the local institutions and the development of businesses already carried out by the community, such as coconut oil production, as well as create new ventures, including snacks like sweet potato chips, banana chips, and DPA nuts, a special product from Central Sulawesi. A savings and loan model will also be managed by the KUEP, allowing women to save without having to travel long distances to the bank.