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Active Mothers, Healthy Children: Nutrition Education and Food Management Through Parenting Class


Frequent capacity buildings are important in nurturing local communities. Through Parenting Class sessions, we highlighted that nutrition fulfilment for children, healthy and varied food, as well as healthy lifestyle, are key factors in ensuring children, especially in 4 villages in West Sumbawa District, receive best start in life. Parenting Class is part of the stunting reduction acceleration program, a collaboration between PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara, Government of West Sumbawa District and YCP (CARE in Indonesia).

Women’s Group Increase Value of Woven Palm Frond Crafts through Natural Dyes


We believe that by improving quality and embracing sustainable, eco-friendly practices, local women’s groups can make woven crafts from oil palm fronds more competitive. Through our Women Empowerment Program in Palm Oil Communities, we’ve trained five Women’s Economic Business Groups (KUEP) to use natural ‘gambo dye.’ The training not only adds value to their products but also brings economic benefits.